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Employment Support and Job Referrals

Clients receive employment training throughout the program. 

Employment support is available to all graduates.

Job Readiness Basics

Resumes, Cover Letters, Interviews, and more

Our clients are provided with the knowledge, practice, workshops, and employment opportunities to achieve success in their future employment in the trades. Resume development, cover letter editing, interview skills, job maintenance, and even dealing with job loss are some of the many topics covered.


Clients, meet your employers.

Employers, meet your employees.

Our employment partners utilize Trade Winds as a way to meet our clients – their prospective employees – and present them with insights into their own respective work cultures. Great companies and their representatives continue to support Trade Winds and our incredible clients.

Interested in employing our job-ready graduates? Learn more:

Meet our Employing Partners:

For All Graduates

"Once a Trade Winds Graduate, always a Trade Winds Graduate"

- Ben Hosker, Edmonton Instructor

Our employment support is open to all of our graduates, regardless of when they completed the Trade Winds to Success program. We have seen many past graduates return for support, which we are always thrilled to provide! Trade Winds is constantly inviting past graduates to develop their employment skillset and take advantage of the referrals provided by our employing partners.

Graduates who are interested in receiving employment assistance should contact Trade Wind's Apprenticeship Retention Coordinator.

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